Developing applications for mobiles phone.

Hi, long time ago, i have been so busy during this semester, lot of exams... But now holydays are coming! and i'll have lot of free time for learn more about Android and another mobile technologies. Last week i joined to a course related to developing mobile applications.
The duration of the course is for 3 weeks, the first week i learned a lot of things about Windows Phone 7, it's AWESOME, really really easy to develop. This incoming week, i'll learn about Android, i'd like learning how to make good UI because in android it's so hard for me desiging interfaces because the eclipse's visual editor really sucks, so you have to code your interface in xml (it isn't very hard but it's ugly to code).
Well, i hope to write a bit more during the summer, and i hope to learn lot of stuffs this summer too.


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I have decided what will be my application.

Ok, I have thought to develop a WOL application for android.

-What is a WOL application?
Well, WOL is the abbreviation of  Wake On Lan, in other words, an application wich you can turn on your pc from your android phone via WiFi.

-What i have in this moment?
Today i was researching about this technology and i got goods results in a few minutes. I found a java class wich we can turn on our computer by an easy way.

-What i need for do it?
Well, you just need a pc, a Lan network and the Mac address from the computer wich you can turn on.
Then just compile this java class configuring only two parameters, broadcast mask ( by default) and the destinity computer Mac address.
Obviously, the destiny computer must have "Enabled" the WOL feature.

-How Do i configure the WOL feature?
Simply, you just have to enter on your BIOS motherboard setup and, normally, in the management section and look for something like Wake On Lan and turn in "Enable".

This is an explanation for how to use the java class attached in this post, now i'm triying to develop an application for Android OS.

Cheers, i hope to write soon with goods news :)

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How to do "Hello, Android"?

Ok, this time we are going to learn how to do a tipical "Hello, World!" and emulate it in a virtual Android OS.
The first step its this, when you have installed the SDK and the eclipse plugin we can to start.
Once you have the SDK installed you must link the SDK folder with the Eclipse plugin.
For this, do it:
Press Window>Preference... and then:

(Click for see picture bigger)
Then, create a new Android project and create a new class with any name. The class contains generated code, so i'm going to highlight the new code.
So, this is the code:


import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class ApiDemos extends Activity {
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        TextView tv = new TextView(this);
        tv.setText("Hello dotNet, from Android");

Then you must run it like a "Android aplication" and you'll get something like this:

(Click for see picture bigger)

Ok, this is all for now, if you can any question you can post a comment here, or you can write me at


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How to start?

Ok, let's go to start:

First: Download the Android SDK.
Click here to download the Android SDK.
Second: Install the Eclipse plugin.
Click here to install the Eclipse plugin.
A quick way to install the Eclipse plugin it's this:

If you have done this steps, you can start to develop in Android :)
See it!, It's fantastic!

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First post in my new blog.

Hello, this is my first post, now i'm going to begin a new stage of my life, i have already finished my exams, and now i want to develop some applications for andriod.

I'm a newbie in programation languages, so i want to improve my skills and learn a lot of about differents technologies based on Android OS and JAVA and i want that all newbies like me can learn by an easy way.
So im going to introduce me.
My name is Jesús, i'm 19 years old and i'm studying computer science at University of Seville, Spain. So, why i'm writing this blog in English? Because my level of english is basic, and i want to improve it, because speaking english will be very important in my professional future.

So, this it all for now, i hope to write soon,


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